Friday, January 9, 2009

Will you be having steak or kitten, tonight?

Just when I thought the people at PETA couldn't get anymore asinine, they pull this out of their collective ass. In an effort to restrict fishing and their inherent hope that people will stop eating fish altogether ( but, Kurt said fish don't have any feelings!), turning the country into a group of vitamin-deficient, weak-wristed namby-pamby's more worried about the digestive tract of the bear who killed a man than the man who got e't. I'm not attacking the ideals of vegetarians or vegans out there (not directly, anyhow), but those who choose and attempt to force their views about animals on others (and quietly support terrorist organizations like ALF), whilst purchasing freezers to store euthanized pets after chastizing state-run facilities for the very same thing, just need to keep their opinions to themselves.
Calling a fish a 'sea kitten' isn't going to stick, nor is it going to have any effect on the vast majority of the population. A fish is nothing like a feline, and if you remember, they are the stereotypical meal for said animals, and have you ever seen a grouper? Not the cutest thing in the sea. 'Sea chicken' is a more proper moniker, an has already been around for decades. Mmm, I could sure go for some sea chicken right now. Except, I just had a big, medium-rare piece of 'pasture cat,' otherwise known as cow.
PETA, if you don't mind, keep your nose off of my plate, and I'll keep my hate mail out of your inbox.

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