Thursday, January 8, 2009

Daily Douchebaggery

Today's is such an easy candidate, I about had to be talked into it. It appears Mr. Vice President Dick Cheney believes himself to be a 'lovable' person, demonized by the media (that damn Liberal Media!) and intimates that he never pulled any strings in the White House and let Grand Poobah Bush run the show, funny hat and everything.
Anyone who sneers as much as this man does has spent a lifetime acting like a dick, not being ol' Uncle Dick. I'm sure his friends think highly of him, all those in Halliburton and the oil industry. Just don't cross him while quail hunting. I'm afraid of this man, in the sense that I have a good idea of what he is capable of, and how much leverage he has behind the curtains.
I'm sorry, Cheney, you're not a nice, lovable person. You're just a douchebag.

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