Saturday, January 3, 2009

Revolution, Tonight at Nine

I break my skin daily, sweat,
blood and fear--like my forefathers,
to sustain a ideal I cannot attain.
And what do I get for all my pain--
an illusion of safety, an unseen bounty-
replaced quietly by a stray desire
to throw it all away.
A small triumph over the idea of possession,
hoping my spirit can avoid recession--
waiting for the poor to rise from their
sofas & tv sets, sick of the invisible lash,
and become turncoats against their master,
provider, mother--the establishment status quo
is falling apart, right now is the time
to mobilize.
So tear away your eyes, your soul doesn't need
Prime-time to nourish your languidness,
throw away the comfort foods and remote controls,
turn away from that which saps your intellect--
march out into those streets you despise unfettered,
ignore the commercials--nothing is getting better,
and never will, until people act.

“Every generation needs a new revolution.” - Thomas Jefferson

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