Wednesday, January 14, 2009

*Irony Alert*

'Shopaholic Dies in Avalanche of Clothing' sounds just too amusing to actually be true, right? Not according to a story picked up from the UK, where an old-maid shopaholic was found buried under three feet of unopened goods in her home, after being reported missing. She had so much stuff here garage was apparently filled to the rafters. Why would someone buy so much stuff they didn't use or even really need? Well, it appears that 'compulsive spending' is actually an addiction, which is usually classified as a mental disease. People spend money and acquire goods to fill some hole in their being, or as a temporary cure for another problem. For these people, spending money feels good, relieves stress and temporarily fills whatever void is in their life.
This can lead to other obvious problems, among the more obvious is massive debt and the ruination of personal relationships. We all like spending a little money now and then, usually to get something we desire, or to achieve some arbitrary goal that boosts our self-esteem or confidence a degree. But where do we draw the line? How do we draw ourselves out of a spending addiction? I'll be damned if I know, I just re-post and comment on this stuff, I don't have all the answers. Join Shopaholics Anonymous or something.

1 comment:

Kittie said...

I do not appreciate you posting commentary on my future self, ok?! Mmmk.