Sunday, December 28, 2008

You're special, just like everyone else

Over my hiatus I was musing on why human beings are so intent on following, becoming sheep, obliged to follow the first idea or trend that seems to be popular, submissively baring their necks to some kind of leader, whether they believe the message or not.
It appears people are so inclined to subjugation that they will throw themselves under the first heavy foot that comes along, if it gives the appearance of some form of safety. This can be social, religious, or ideological. This type of person yearn for a master, a lord, a savior, someone to support, believe in; someone to save them.
This 'unthinking majority' are too afraid to be individuals, to develop their own ideals, to create an identity for themselves. Conformity seems much safer than the possibility of becoming an 'outcast.' It is so much easier to throw the yoke over your shoulders and pull with others, head down, whip cracking unseen above you, than to walk the path unencumbered, eyes ahead, not shoulder to shoulder with others as afraid as you, but solitary and alone.
What is there to fear? Is it not knowing, the unknown, and being an unknown? There is some form of sycophantic recognition in huddling quiet with the herd, rather than finding a shelter of your own. Your identity absorbs into some inert, invisible sphere, held together only by the will of those associated with it. When the stronger minds come away from it, this idea, this tenuous association-by-association, dissolves away. This type of identity has no substance.
I hope someone out there thinks about this before purchasing that piece of spring fashion that becomes half the price by summer, and irrelevant by fall. Same as with the next winner of American Idol. That CD will never really matter next year. That car you can't afford but looks really cool you'll most likely hate by the time it's paid off, and want the next New Thing.
There's more than one reason the Romans had a phrase for 'Buyer Beware.'

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