Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Daily Douchebaggery

I am going to open this new article with a double-header, aimed at the Knights of Columbus and Bill O'Really. These will tie in somewhat with my diatribes on the War on X-mas, but not completely.

Oh, no! NOT the white, male, Christian power structure!
If you're as big a fan of O'Reilly as I am, you'll love this. Last year, he had McCain on the 'Factor,' and while mentioning the New York Times, said the following: "They want to break down the white, Christian, male power structure, which you're a part, and so am I..." The context of what he was talking about is not as important as that self-inclusive phrase. If there is nothing else about this man that bothers you, I hope at least this puts a twitch in your jaw. Many things this man has said and done could easily nominate him for Douchebaggery. But this, this is the crown jewel, if you will, a complete representation of everything this joker represents. Minus the conservatism. Even that little egotistical hint at the end there, "and so am I."
As if this isn't bad enough, he expounds constantly about the 'war on Christmas,'while subtly showing his anti-Semite and white-power cards. He is also terribly worried about these verbal and ethical attacks on Christians and Christianity. It's in danger, apparently, being only 1 billion strong. Is there any redeeming quality this man possesses that would keep someone from wishing eternal anal-rapage in the bowels of hell? If there is, I haven't seen it.

Oh, the good we do, in the name of God.
If you have never heard of the Knights of Columbus, they are a rather large Catholic fraternal organization named in honor of historical douchebag Christopher Columbus. There is a lot of good this organization does, donating millions to charity and logging hundreds of man-hours in service and volunteer work, including supporting the Special Olympics. BUT, every long-standing (126 years) fraternal organization has its flaws.
  • In 1954 they waged a successful battle to insert 'under God' into the pledge of allegiance, adding to the lengthy history of 'freedom' loving Christians forcing God and religion into the government (I've mentioned this before)
  • Black males were often turned down from admission to the organization, until pressure from above (not who you think) forced them to quit their unwritten blackball system by the end of the fifties
  • It remains an all-male organization, but hey, them women are trouble
  • They constantly erect pro-life and "Keep Christ in Christmas" signs and billboards (I have one of the latter in my own town! I'm so proud!)
  • And anyone that parades around in colorful capes, feathered chapeaux and carry swords deserves SOME sort of DB status
I suppose Christians will be Christians (a rather disconcerting tautology), but to support the imaginary fight against equality, decency and respect that is the 'war on Christmas,' I'm sorry, but I have to nominate them for douchebaggery, at least the top echelon of the organization. And get that damn billboard out of my town, there aren't any Catholics there, anyway.

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