Friday, December 12, 2008

Less Death on Wheels?

This has to be one of the greatest inventions since the cell phone. A company has developed a car key that blocks cell phone signals on the driver's phone, to keep the driver from using their cell phone for calls or texting. It is mainly aimed at parents to keep their teens hands and eyes away from their phones, but I can see this expanding into an effort to keep any driver from fiddling with their phone. There are few things more frightening than having a cell phone preoccupied moron in an over-sized SUV hurtling off an on-ramp into your lane without even looking.
Every statistic shows that driver inattention is the number one cause of collisions, and teens are the worst. I mean, take a look at this disturbing statistic. Teenage driver's inattention rises over 1500% over normal driving when screwing around with a cell phone. And brats wonder why I flip them off when I'm on my motorcycle.
I am not completely innocent, even I, an iconic being of integrity, reason and intelligence, will occasionally drift into the realm of mortals and use my phone while I drive. Usually it is because someone is calling me. And I usually keep it short and sweet, which goes for using the phone at all. I hope every adult that actually gives a damn about what their kids do go out and purchase these keys when they are available, and consider it a stipulation for driving, along with seat-belts and no dumb ass friends in the car.
I think I may invest in this company.

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