Monday, December 8, 2008

Winter Discontent

It's December 8th, and it's finally snowing here in the great state of Utah. We've only had one day of snow so far this winter that actually stuck to the ground. Last Monday it was 61 degrees. If it's going to be the miserable season we call winter, it at least needs to look like it. It's been late-fall for two months, and it's killing my paycheck, too. In the auto repair industry, snow means $$, because, as I mentioned before, Utahn's seem to forget how to drive in the snow my mid-spring, and don't regain the ability until about February the following year, if ever. So snowstorms bring in more cars, ergo, business has been slower than normal.
Even though I dislike the cold, the lack of snow makes it harder to get by, especially when you're working your way through school, it's almost Christmas, and you have three trips coming up within two months. Arg.

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