Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Daily Douchebaggery

Mike Huckabee. Former presidential candidate, current douchebag. Mikey just recently likened abortion--more accurately a woman's right to choose such a legal medical procedure--to slavery. That's right, if a woman, in any circumstance or instance, decides to terminate a pregnancy within the current legal standards, she is guilty of what amounts to owning a person outright, and treating that person as subhuman, in Mr. Huckabee's eyes. Sigh.
Mr. Huckabee seems to forget that abortion, however distasteful it may be, is legal. One person deciding to cease the growing of another being in her body is not slavery, it is a very difficult personal choice, or so it should be. I cannot trust the beliefs of any supposedly educated man that does not believe in the theory of evolution, and strives to force his religious beliefs on society. Maybe Mike should move to Iran or the deep, deep, backwards parts of the South where his beliefs might be welcomed.

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