Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Brithday, Darwin

Christians are still fighting the losing war against evolution, and backing up their claims with unverifiable lines written about 3500 years ago, about 3000 years before there was any science. I'm sure many Christians would have liked to see it that way, after centuries of firmly held beliefs being dashed apart by science. Some classics are geocentrism and scattered flat-earth believers. The main problem stems from the literalists and fundamentalists who believe every word should be taken as truth, despite the Good Book being translated, edited, compiled and re-translated over thousands of years. Science has given us tens of thousands of verifiable, lab-repeatable bits of data about each discipline, and the theory of evolution is no exception. The Bible has phrases that are easily taken out of context and have no proof to back them up.
It is equivalent having the following conversation with someone.
"What's in the box?"
"It's a purple rock. I've never seen it, but I know it's purple."
"How do you know that?"
"It always has been, and it always will be. Everyone should know that."
"But how do they know?"
"Well, because God told someone to write it in this book here, a long time ago, but he's dead now."
"OK...can I look in the box and see what color it is?"
"No, that's blasphemy."
"But I just want to see for myself. That's called science."
"No, you can't go against the word of God!"
"I'm doing it anyway, you can believe what you want, but I want to see--hey, this rock is green!"
"No, it isn't. It's a shade of purple."
Now this may sound a little silly, but have you ever tried to reason with someone with an illogically held belief, and knew something contrary? It isn't easy. Reason and Christianity have never really jived, and science is based on reason. This is why I can never again be a man of faith, I cannot just take someones word for something, I need to find out for myself. Faith precludes knowledge, and without knowledge, you cannot attain wisdom. Rest in peace, Chuck.

All the biblical miracles will at last disappear with the progress of science. - Matthew Arnold

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