Friday, February 6, 2009

Well, I don't know. . . maybe?

I recently stumbled upon a beautifully written article by Sultan Knish, so well-crafted that it's biting satire could easily be read as an honest approach to 'moderatism.' That's my word, I'm officially creating that and defining it, so don't try to steal it. Anyway, I got to thinking about this, and I noticed that most Western religions do not preach moderation or any sort, you must be with them or you are against them. No place for fence-sitters. And you you don't entirely agree with some aspect of it? You had better get on your knees and start praying until you do agree. Can this lead to staggering levels of cognitive dissonance? Possibly. Can people that do this still respect themselves every time they look in a mirror? Sure, you can force yourself to believe anything; that you're doing God's will, that people want to do good, that you are a good person, that Diet Mt. Dew tastes just like regular Mt. Dew. No, no it doesn't. I have a shark's sense of taste when it comes to aspartame, dammit. Ahem.
Moderates are people that are afraid to offend anyone. They get the vegetarian meal just-in-case. They watch the movie they've already seen twice so as not to take a chance. They don't anyone getting worked about about an idea that can't be evenly discussed in the blandest and most inoffensive way possible--from both sides. These are people you don't like talking to because they never have an opinion or never disagree with you in any emphatic way. They are the plain, non-dairy yogurt-like dessert of society. No one really cares for them, but they will abide if they must. It can't really hurt you, it's just flavorless. These people will say that Sean Hannity is a very emphatic speaker, and electric cars are a nice idea.
Okay, I'm running out of analogies, so I'll just end here. Please, for whatever god you look to's sake, have a damn opinion and don't be wishy-washy. Form some convictions, and please, grow a spine.

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