Monday, August 10, 2009

Like I needed another reason to hate Fox

When I nominated Nadya Suleman (the 'Octomom') for douchebaggery about four months ago, I was hoping that the horrible person she seems to truly be would preclude any major networks wanting anything to do with her, since they have so much integrity. I almost wrote that with a straight face. It turns out, Fox has ordered a 'documentary' on this icon of excess and neurosis, a two hour view into the life of this headcase mother of 14 children, (including never-before-seen footage!) which was even admitted to be a 'train-wreck' by Mike Darnell, Fox's president of alternative. Nice title, bro.
Normally, such a steaming pile of digital puke wouldn't bother me anymore than anything else I hear about or had the misfortune to actually see on television. I mean, I have weathered eight seasons of American Idol, Fear Factor, World's Most Eye-poppingly Horrific Car Crashes, and I actually watched Celebrity Boxing, but this is just going too far. Fox is trotting out nothing actually unique here, she is just a sideshow, a freak that they hope to make a few bills on. And dumbass, vicariously-living Americans will watch it. If I hear that Ashton Kutcher appears during the show to 'punk' her, I swear to whatever god is listening that I will murder something.

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