Monday, August 10, 2009

Hetero- Homo- Bi- or Omnisexual?

There's one thing I can't quite understand about this country, and that is its obsession with others' sexual identities. Every time a celebrity comes out of the closet, interest skyrockets momentarily, but is nowhere the constant buzz that occurs around those suspected of being gay. Sometimes, it's no surprise at all, or can amount to a cry for attention during a waning career. Whatever the reason it always seems to be a key issue.
Recently, a flurry of allegations and references to past statements about Lady Gaga erupted after film of her a concert showed evidence that she may be a hermaphrodite. Such a physical condition, if true, is no excuse for the deplorable things she puts out that some call music. She's been a terrible song writer for years, but having a penis shouldn't make her exempt from such activities. And further to the point, so what?
I'm getting tired of people being judged so openly on who like to hit the sack with, as long as it is a mutually consenting adult. Conservative Christians are most likely to get their panties in bunches on the subject, especially when it comes to homosexuals. Ironically, they often get caught having rendezvous in public bathrooms or caught cheating on their spouses while advocating family values and traditional marriage. Hypocrites, or just human?
I just don't quite get why people care so much in this country, while in European countries, where sexuality has not been as much of big deal for decades, centuries, if you include their views on art, homosexuals are more of an accepted part of society and can even marry in several countries. Anyway, if anyone has any thoughts on this feel free to comment.

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