Friday, April 3, 2009

Daily Douchebaggery

Should I create a new genre for douchebagettes? I only ask that because my douchebag candidates are usually men, and I realize it wouldn't be fair or me--nay, it would be sexist if I didn't consider the fairer sex when writing these posts. Women commit just as many stupid actions as men do. So in this equality spirit, I nominate Nadya Suleman for committing unwarranted acts of douchebaggery. She is referred to by the lazy-ass, nickname-obsessed media as the 'octomom.' Having eight children at once isn't necessarily the act of a douchebag, just horrendously bad judgement and way too many fertility treatments over the years. She's a veritable baby-factory. She now has fourteen children, all under the age of seven. And there is nor was a father. Now we're wandering into the right territory. She had IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) to have all of her children. That's right. She never has any intention of getting married, she only wants to have children. She has no job, so is supported by everyone else. She fired a free nanny service that was helping care for her children 24-7. She has become an attention whore (potentially the reason she had so many damn kids in the first place), and spends ridiculous amounts of money on things for herself, and puts on her good-mom face just for the TV cameras. And she has enough sense to tell the media that she tried stripping. And yes, she's obsessed with Angelina Jolie.
If there was ever a person that made the case for eugenics , it would be her. She has some neurotic desire to have children, then is thrust into the spotlight (I'm holding the media mostly accountable for this one) and loves every minute of it. She's not the brightest bulb in the closet, either. If there was a way to sterilize everyone this stupid and insane, the world would be a much better place. What a douchebag.

At least she's not as creepy(1) as the Duggar Cult Family. Eighteen home-schooled Christian children? First sign of impending doom and this family will go ape-shit. They mast have taken that Monty Python skit a little too literally. I truly fear for us reasonable people.

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