Saturday, March 13, 2010

Stop Smiling, Dammit!

It is a well known fact that people tend to anthropomorphize certain things, giving them names and assigning characteristics as human in nature. This is especially true when it comes to cars. they usually end up with female names, although I've continually referred to my Camaro as 'The Beast," and will often talk to them and treat them like they are an actual living, breathing entity. This conjures up Stephen King-esque nightmares of demonic cars and killer trucks gone wild, but even more horrifying, the idea of cutesy-cars. You've seen them before; in movies, talking about their owners in commercials, and saving us from Megatron again and again. Cars should not look 'cute' in my opinion, although I'm sure many girls would disagree with me. They should look tough, aggressive, angry, manly or sinister, like this Mazda concept. Or at the very least, sexy.
The reasons this is done are psychological, people are more inclined to associate positively with a human-like object, as noted in an article on Science Daily. This humanised design has been becoming more apparent the last couple years, but I think the whole modern push may have begun with the Dodge Neon back in the mid-90's, with their slogan, 'Hi.' But the last ten years have seen a huge surge in cute cars, with the new VW Beetle, the revived Mini Cooper, the new Mazda 3, the Honda Fit, the Toyota Prius, the Smart Car, and this terrifying photo above of a Nissan Cube concept that can actually mimic facial expressions. This doesn't even count the slew of European and Asian cars that Americans never get to see except at car expos. I've been to Japan, they're all horrendously cute.
I have not said anything of people cutesifying their cars after the purchase, covering them with stickers and ugly pastel paint jobs, trying to create their car as an extension of their personality, this is a horrible practice in and of itself, an deems its own post. I'm just tired of going down the road in my angry car, having cars grinning stupidly at me. Like the new Mazda 3, that chrome strip makes it look like it has a retainer. And don't get me started on that damn Volkswagen Beetle. I think that car is the Germans trying to get back at us for WWII. Probably the worst vehicle I've ever had to work on. So, please, car designers of the world, please stop making cars smile at me.

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