Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Daily Douchebaggery

This douchebaggery is far more extensive than a single incident, and those culpable are many. Tuesday was a historic day for America, with the signing of a bill with such far-reaching importance that it will affect our children and grandchildren. The Health-Care reform bill narrowly passed through the House and Senate, and was signed into law by President Barack Obama. This is not the douchebaggery that I speak of.
During the health care reform debate, and his presidency in general, torrents of indescribable hatred, disguised as patriotism and Christianity, continued to flow unabated. The Tea Partiers are some of the worst of the group, last week mocking a man with Parkinson's who was peacefully protesting their protest, and before the vote on the reform bill, were tossing such epithets as 'nigger' and 'faggot' at certain members of congress, and laughing. Compassionate conservatism my ass. This is not protest, this is mean-spirited bullying. The conservatives aren't getting their way so they throw tantrums. It shows a lacking of any party morality, and Bob Herbert of the New York Times puts it even better as a complete lack of class.
The GOP should be held accountable for this, tacitly approving of these ugly, hateful tactics used to rile up a large group of ignorant, fearful people to push their agenda, which seems to only be tearing down and fighting anything Obama tries to do. Their small army of pocketed pundits on the various right-leaning television and radio stations do much of the work for them, bluntly calling for insurrection, impeachment and protest in complete ignorance and diametrically opposed to facts. Bombastic radio host Limbaugh threatened to leave the country if the bill was passed, claiming he would go somewhere else for his health care, like Costa Rica (which has nationalized medicine) but of course backed out of his claims at the last minute.
There are many other reasons and instances I could bring up to support my nomination of the entire GOP, the Tea Party and anyone else who supports their ideals for constant and impressively ignorant douchebaggery, but I don't have the time.


monochromewillow said...

I think it's a little ignorant to say that ANYONE who supports the ideals of the Tea Party is a douchebag, just because a few people from Ohio are jerks. And I don't know if you ever read reports from Fox News or any other conservative news publishings, but there are definitely arguments against the story you are talking about, where the Tea Party group was supposedly shouting faggot and nigger. I just wish you'd read more on both sides of the story before becoming so actively enraged at a group that happens to disagree with you.

(Not meaning to piss you off, just saying what I think.)

Wise_Guise said...

Of course I have seen and read the arguments against what supposedly happened, and of course Fox News and the conservative movement are going to come to the rescue and deny anything that makes their lovechild look bad. Have you also read the information that counters the denials? There are plenty. Rawstory published an AP fact-check on the BS Breitbart was spewing and found him wrong. The point is that the party itself has made no denials or tried to distance/disassociate itself with this all too common hatred coming out of the party, and it's true, you know, what they say about the company you keep.