Thursday, September 24, 2009

Daily Douchebaggery

Today I happened upon this picture, and I must nominate an unknown or unknowns for douchebaggery. Whoever the asshole or assholes were that thought it would be funny to cover a cat in duct tape and leave it wandering around should suffer the same fate. Such a prank is not only not funny, but cruel, unusual and downright mean. This may be how either fetishists or serial killers get started. If anyone in Philly knows the douchebag(s) that perpetrated this twisted act, they should seriously reconsider who they keep company with, and turn them in. Douchebag(s).

And while I'm at it, here's another douchebag throwing live frogs into boiling water on live television. This douchebag is named Glenn Beck. Is there no low he will stoop to in his insane efforts to expand his inane and ignorant fan-base? I guess not. Douche.


monochromewillow said...

Wow, that is disturbing. But about the Glenn Beck frog thing look at what PETA has to say: Don't you think if it was real they would be the first ones to light his funeral pyre?

Wise_Guise said...

Whether or not he actually did it isn't the point. His attempts to get attention through 'shock' tactics is what bothers me.

monochromewillow said...

Yeah, I do have to admit that it was kind of a silly stunt. It makes me like him less. Well, actually I don't really like him at all. I like the other guys on his radio show. They are the ones that seem to have all the information.