Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey Day

Reminds me of Predator

Once again I have overeaten and I feel disgusted with myself. I tried to offset the 4,000 caloric intake of food with a lot of fresh vegetables--which I subsequently dipped most of in ranch dressing. Damn you, mother.
But the most shaming bit of indulgence was this. I added pineapple juice, so that makes it slightly healthier, right? But, seriously. This stuff is like crack. For fat people. Or skinny people. Who smoke crack. It's been called 'meat candy.'
I ate three pieces of pie with whipped cream just to take the edge off. Good lord, I think I'm going to throw up, but only to make some more room for those divine lil' heart-cloggers.
I wanted to down a couple beers when I got home, but my stomach took up to weeping and wailing, forewarning of the
imminent doom my bowels would bring upon me should I choose to take such a food-hardy course of inaction. So I settled down and chose to review a slightly healthier drink for the other blog I contribute to. What is it? Oh, I don't like to brag. It's a humble little piece of cyberspace. Better Libations, for everyone!

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