Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sic Transit Gloria Monday

Thus passes the glory of Monday, and it's still the weekend! What little joy I had in the first Christian day of the week has slipped away. Let me explain. In a short 24 hours I will be leaving work to head into the torment of Math 1050, again discussing the use of matrices in sequencing and probability.
I shudder at the thought, not because I dislike math, but because of the way we are being taught. We last left off figuring out vectors of 2x2 matrices, using the lambda as scalar, which in turn leads to more letters and roots. It ends up being a big alphanumeric orgy, and there's magnitude and eigen values and orthogonal vectors! Aahhh! And the kicker? No other teacher would teach us this stuff in this class. He said so himself. The various students leave befuddled and confused, while visions of Greek letters dance in their heads.
I can deal with the sigma and recursive values and finding partial sums of a sequence. But this is where my synapses draw the line. I need the rest of my brain cells to write my papers and absorb sixty-page chapters of American history. We had a four-day break, so I should be refreshed enough to follow along as he transposes columns to find determinants. Here's hoping.

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