Sunday, July 12, 2009

Racism: Alive and Well in the U.S.

Just in case you thought that racism was a thing of the past, it hasn't gone away. Sorry. I know, if you live here in Utah, specifically the area known as 'Happy Valley' to it's closed(and all too often empty)-minded inhabitants, you really wouldn't notice any problems with race, given the whole six or seven African Americans that live here. (Before I get any angry comments, it's actually about less than one-half a percent of the total population, about 900.) I am well aware that there are certain parts of town in certain major cities in the country where you do not want to be if you are of the wrong skin complexion. If you haven't heard, ask your father.
If you still don't believe me, just look at all the black hatred that came out as a result of Obama's rise to the White House. Death threats, wild accusations, and plain old, blatant racism. FoxNews is a major supporter of these people, making sure the messages of hatred and mistrust are spread far and wide, and vindicating any unreasonable suspicions as well. They have been subtly (occasionally not-so-subtly) playing the race card since Barack became a contender for the Presidency. And if you haven't been following, he has done nothing right, and had failed his job only weeks into it. And millions of Americans tune into this station every day. EVERY DAY. And believe what they hear. Racism and hatred of others for what they look like is always going to be a problem, but if venues for it and outright acts of racism like the pool incident went away, it wouldn't be such a large problem, and wold break down more quickly. But for now, FoxNews and racist clubs prevail.
This is why I have such a bad attitude sometimes.

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