Sunday, July 12, 2009

Darwin vs. Republicans, the Battle Continues

HuffPost reports in a new and wholly unsurprising study that only 6% of 'scientists' label themselves as republicans, in contrast to 55% identifying with Dem's. Bwaaa?? Yes, apparently republican mindsets either do not last long in the scientific community or is just not inclined to search out theory and facts backed up by verifiable, repeatable data. But this is just America, only a small percentage of the world's population and scientists, what do the rest of them think?
Well, a poll by the British Council shows a broad international acceptance (even factoring in God) of evolution. And while we're sixth down on the list, and tied with Russia, more Americans accept it than do not. But then, enter Texas.
I mentioned earlier the Director of the Board of Education of this notoriously conservative state is a rather obdurate evolution-denier, which has since cost him his job. But, another denier, although less boisterous, has been appointed in his place. I find it quite possible that the appointed Texas legislature hates science, and is determined to wipe if from its state.
Maybe they should have seceded, it would have given all these logic-hating Christians a comfortable, beef- and oil-filled refuge from reality.

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