Thursday, June 4, 2009

Daily Douchebaggery

I am somewhat surprised to announce that I must slightly lower the level of douchebaggery accounted for by one person, a most unlikely candidate. Dick Cheney. Mind you, this is only a slight lowering of a level that has reached astronomical heights.
Ol' Dick has announced that he supports gay marriage, but ONLY if states decide on it individually. And he also managed to work in a comment about his daughter's homosexuality is something that he has had to 'live with for a long time.' Very classy. Supporting equality in marriage for everyone, which New Hampshire has just done, needs to be a nationwide decision, and shown that it is backed by the constitution. When individual states vote and come up with different laws, exceptions and rules for homosexual unions, problems will inevitably arise as couples move and travel around the country. Yet, tricky Dick at least nodding in favor of such a thing is another step in the right direction.
This does not excuse him from any previous acts of douchebaggery, any future or unknown acts either. He is still probably evil incarnate, but even evil might get it right sometimes. Although, most of the time they don't. Still in support of 'traditional marriage?' Here's America's Best Christian to explain it for you.

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