I returned home yesterday, my mind battered and blank from twelve hours of travel, with no energy or motivation to write a post. I have plenty of fodder after spending a week with my family, seeing many things, having or listening in on various discussions, with several episodes of family drama occurring. It was quite an adventure, whilst I consumed countless calories and burned none of it off, spending my leisure time reading, eating, scratching the ears of lazy dogs, driving my grandmother around, and waiting for the rain to abate. Yes, it rained most of the time I was in San Diego, letting up long enough for me to walk around the San Diego Zoo and stop by the beaches of La Jolla Shores for twenty minutes, and wander around in t-shirt & shorts while everyone else was bundled up for the Klondike. Hey, fifties is nice when you leave the teens and twenties home for a while.
I also managed to finally get my fish tacos I have been craving since the last time I was down there nearly eighteen months ago, and since
Wahoo's seems to be the only place that can do it right, it was worth the wait. Oh, the food I consumed; what a dishonor to my body fat index. I broke my rule against soda, easily consuming two or three cans a day, eating candy and cookies and going out for at least one meal everyday except Christmas.
I made out alright, several gift cards/certificates, some nice new electronic equipment, some socks, real tea and an infusion ball, and for some reason, a candy & deep-fry thermometer. Oh, I can't forget this hat my grandfather made for me. I can't see why the girls wont be crawling all over come next semester. Hawt.
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