As I have ranted about before, religion and politics need to remain mutually exclusive. This country was founded with the idea of freedom of religion, without any interference by the government. Conversely, no religion or any 'Church' was to have any control over the government. This ideal is just that, an ideal. Sometimes it is difficult to come by a complete and even separation of church and state. The Declaration of Independence did mention the Creator, but nowhere in the Constitution does it mention God, or give any higher power credit for the forming of the nation. The first three words are "We the People," not God the Almighty. This country was formed to get out from underneath an oppressive monarchical rule, unjust taxation, and unfair trade practices performed under the British empire. It was not formed purely by God's blessing, it was by the blood and sweat and ideas of countless people, seeking freedom and a life not interfered with by a Church-ruled state.
How often have you heard in recent years about this 'Christian nation?' For me, too many. This is a free nation, with many Christian believers, who try to impose their beliefs, morals and ideals on everyone who lives here. In recent news:
- The newly opened Capitol Visitor Center is already under fire by conservative lawmakers because someone chose E. Plurbus Unum as the National Motto instead of In God We Trust
- Protests and legal maneuverings are still under way after the passing of Proposition 8 in California, mainly against the LDS Church who donated millions of dollars and unknown other resources of time and personnel in favor of the Proposition
- There is at least one court case under way seeking the removal of 'under God' from the Pledge of Allegiance, which was added in 1954 after a campaign by the Knights of Columbus
The basic problem is that most people see the First Amendment as just a guaranteed right to practice their religion how they want, and to try and have others practice the same thing. I'm seeing it also as freedom FROM religion, yours, theirs, and anyone who tries to affect my life by shoving their own beliefs into mine, without regard to what I believe. You can call me a sinner and fallen and even say you'll 'pray for me,' (save your breath) and that is fine. But stay out of my politics and laws, don't force everyone to believe what you do, the difference in ideas everywhere is one of the things that makes this country great. Don't spoil it by trying to erect a theocracy in my beloved country. God bless Atheism.
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