It seems that all of a sudden everyone but Dems are coming out in favor of a public option, including 73% of doctors, labor groups, and even Bill O'Reilly. Yeah, that shocked the hell out of me too.
So whether those in Congress fighting against it like it or not, it looks like the public option is back on the table. The insurance companies are going to fight it every way they can, and not because it means a poorer health coverage, but because they don't want the competition. Anything that will force them to be more honest, lose customers and profits, they are definitely going to be against. Do they really care that 45,000 people die every year because they don't have health insurance? Actually, yes, because that's 45,000 premiums they didn't collect before they canceled the policy for some obscure reason.
Insurance companies are not in the business to save lives, they are in it to profit off of healthy people as long as it is convenient for them, and dropping them as soon as possible when something crops up. I'm sure there a re a few smaller insurance companies that might actually give a damn about their customers, but I'm not aware of any. This fight against health care reform is getting ridiculous, and is led my stubborn conservative politicians who wont even bother to read bills they come out against. Maybe if someone tossed a hefty raise for Congress into the bill it might get passed in record time.
Until then, I just hope that I don't get seriously ill or injured in any way and cripple myself financially.
AS I've heard, a lot of the democrats have not read the bill either.
Protesting in ignorance is just as bad as supporting in ignorance. No one gets a free pass on this one, I'm sick of all the legislators that aren't doing their job.
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