But, to outdo themselves once again, have come out swinging with the misinformation bat at the Health Care pinata. They are now 'suggesting' that Dems would use political affiliation to ration out health care, making sure that Repub's would spend hours in waiting rooms and have exorbitant co-pay's and not get necessary treatments. Oh, wait, the current hospital/insurance industry beat them to it.
The disgusting depths that politicians and their organizations will go to to further their agenda--or stop an opposing party's--is pitiful. There is no 'reaching across the aisle,' each is looking out for their own and their own lobbyists/special interests. It seems everyone is in on it, except the people. They are just let around by the nose with the dogmatic speeches of charismatic or fear-mongering pundits/politicians who think for them. Media has made it so much easier to convince people what they are being told was their idea.
We have enough distractions in this country, with TV shows, 24 news, Internet porn, fast food chains, that new Kohl's opening up down the street, that it is difficult to follow the seemingly magical world of politics, full of smoke, mirrors, and empty suits rattling off statistics that you can't understand but worry you anyway. This is why we re-elect 90% of congressmen every election, we just trust them to do the right thing like we guess they did last time.
The propaganda used to keep voters in line seems to be working well enough. Many are fearful of seemingly 'socialist' ideas like making sure everyone has health care, forgetting that Welfare and Unemployment are similar ideas. About 30% of Republicans still don't believe Obama was born in the U.S. Religious rhetoric still makes its way into laws and onto public property. Some are trying to alleviate these problems, while others only try to make them worse. If it continues to get worse, I will be afraid.
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