Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Approximately nine months ago, a close family member managed to impregnate a young girl, and the baby was subsequently born last Friday, the after my birthday. Now, regardless of the fact that the child was born out of wedlock, the parents (long since broken up), are causes for concern in the raising of this child. They are both relatively young, inexperienced, and have dubious morals. I foresee strained legalities and fierce arguments surrounding this child, since neither one of them is capable of raising it on their own, and will not be getting back together--ever. This is all a lead-up to my point.
Should such an event warrant the lauding and congratulations of numerous family and friends? Creating a child is not terribly difficult, barring any fertility problems. Worldwide, over 130 million babies are born every year. That's 360 thousand every day, 30 thousand every hour, 500 every minute, and 8 or so every second. Two stupid kids fooling around without condoms is not worthy of a celebration, in my opinion. I've been waiting for the phone call from whomever chastising me for not calling and giving my congratulations, when I feel I should be sending my condolences.
This kid is going to have to learn to grow up fast, since he hasn't done it yet in 21 years. You can't continue to act like a child when you have one. I'm not going to congratulate anyone, I would much rather sit down and have a serious chat about the ramifications of this, as if it would actually do any good. All I can hope for is that the child is resilient and surpasses his parents in intelligence and motivation. Sigh. Maybe I could get attention if I father an illegitimate child.

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