Thursday, May 7, 2009


Our country is in an economic recession, banks and major automakers are failing, unemployment is rising and our infrastructure is falling apart, but the GOP can only give us economic plans with no numbers, place Reagan on an even higher pedestal, and continue to drive their party farther right and remaining stalwart against any type of change to their party, with even Cheney saying that it would be a mistake to 'moderate.' Republicans are leaving the party like rats from a sinking but obdurate ship, and even prominent members like Scarborough are telling them that it's time to change and drop the pure hatred they have for everything they don't agree with.
It seems that Obama can't do anything without fueling the ire of Republicans, at least the pundits. The man can't ever order a burger without being called an elitist. The GOP and its attack dogs are doing nothing but creating a larger political gap in our country, in a time when we should be joining forces to get back on track and fix our economy. Giving banks and corporations billions of dollars isn't helping much, but constantly attacking everything our President does instead of coming up with other solutions does even less. When voices of reason are coming from the likes of Jeb Bush, you know your party has some serious issues. Political parties emerge, change, evolve and disappear, no matter how they think it should be in the GOP. Right now theirs is dying, because they refuse to look forward and change with the rest of the country. I would almost feel sorry for them if not for the scary, ignorant, hateful things that come out of their mouths. O'Reilly offered some advice on how to 'save' the party, but couldn't do so without constantly attacking Obama and America-hatin' Democrats in general.
If they continue heading the way they are going, the GOP is going to end up being the party of the radical, fundamentalist, evangelical , homophobic, racist, hateful, fearful, ignorant and Reagan-worshipping Republican Americans. If it comes to this, with the FOXNews fear-mongering pundits at the helm, then so be it. I'll gladly watch them lose all power and influence in the government, but I will truly be sorry for the minds--especially the young, impressionable ones--lost to them. America needs to lose the GOP, and if the Republican party can reform out of it into a more accepting, creative and worthwhile party, then America can truly benefit from this mass of ignorant, misdirected hatred.

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