I am alternately amused and disturbed by this product, and I cannot quite pin down their market niche. Lonely military wives? Lonely widows? Lonely girls with 'great personalities'? All of the above and more? Whatever it is, it's still kind of creepy. And the part that's even more distressing? At Overstock.com they are SOLD OUT of them. I almost want one so I can slip it into bed with one of my unsuspecting friends in the middle of the night. It would be worth the angry 'did you do this?' phone calls. I don't know who came up with this, but this person is either a freak or a genius, possibly both.
What I really want to know is this: where is the man's equivalent? A slender arm and a soft cottony breast to cradle would help put a lot of lonely traveling salesmen to sleep. Maybe I'm on to something here. . .
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