It's been a while since someone has pissed me off enough to blog about them specifically, and mister Beck has been on my list for a while. There have been a few things, very few things, that I have agrees with him on, and he's gotten a pass, I suppose, because he isn't as hard-nosed as
Hannity and
O'really, but when you start
attacking kids, you've gone too far. I could care less about Al Gore, and his Inconvenient Truth, you can stack information and statistics to support pretty much anything. Just read 'State of Fear' by Michael Crichton, this book refutes 99% of the supposed 'facts' in Gore's documentary, and he was goddamn doctor and author. Whether or not you believe global warming is real, there is such a thing as climate change, and it's a natural part of nature. Taking an interest in the climate and environment isn't anti-American, you
douchebag. Just because the Conservative line is to disbelieve global warming and strive to dig up all the coal and oil we can doesn't mean you should follow it. Don't even dare calling yourself patriotic when you constantly attack other
Americans who have different belief than you and wonder what happened to 'your country.' I'm sorry, but the conservative-white-Christian power structure you pine over is a veritable House of Usher. It is already coming down, so realize you live in a melting pot, not pure-white, Christian Republican nation where Mother Nature is our bitch, and it's not okay to brainwash kids with anything other than Christian intolerance and a love of capitalism. Get over yourself, buddy.
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